Sunday, June 28, 2009

I can't turn around for even a minute

I went to turn my curling iron on yesterday to do my hair, but I left the bathroom door open while I ran to the other bathroom to grab my brush. I was gone for maybe 30 seconds, and when I came back, this it what my little mischievous son had accomplished...So now, all our toilet paper for that bathroom is rolled into a ball and on the counter. That roll was more than halfway full still. Grrrr. But the look on his face when he was caught was priceless. He was so proud!

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Craft Blog

I have another blog that I started a few weeks ago to post some of the crafts I do. Today I was featured on Ucreate - a fabulous craft blog! She posted one of the crafts/sewing projects I made and linked to my site. Since this morning, I already have 9 followers and over 150 hits to my site (all people I don't know). I'm hoping to get some loyal followers who will then want to buy things from me when I start a crafting business someday!

My site is Nap Time Crafts

For those who saw Ethan at church yesterday, I made his tie onesie and that will be a post on my craft blog today! But here's a picture of the finished product.


Yesterday at church, my niece Lorelai (4 years old) was counting the page numbers on the hynm book and checking with Becky to see if she was saying the number right. I was half listening when she got to . . .

twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty zero
thirty one

Thirty Zero? Once I thought about it, that makes sense. You say "thirty" before each number like 31, 32, 33, etc. so why not "thirty zero?" It was adorable.

This reminded me of the time a couple months ago I was at Wal-Mart with Becky and Lorelai and they were picking out toothpaste for Lorelai. Becky was reading off the flavors so Lorelai could pick which one she wanted. When Becky got to the flavor "tuity fruity," Lorelai laughed and said, "that one tastes like a toot?" It was hilarious. Sometimes kid's logic makes more sense.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Random topics

Sunday was Emma's 9th birthday, so we all went over to their house for a fire pit dinner. It was fun roasting hot dogs over the fire, and then we had s'mores (but with reeses peanut butter cups instead of a hershey's bar). I actually liked the PB better than the old fashioned way.

Michael was shucking his corn on the cob to get it ready to go in the fire pit to cook, and I thought it would make a cute picture to have Ethan try to take a bite out of it. . . most people know Michael won't share food or drink out of a cup that someone else drank out of (unless it was me :) ), so when Ethan licked the corn, Michael was grossed out. I'm proud of him for just wiping it off and cooking it anyway. But it make a cute picture!

I also found a tutorial online of how to turn a plain t-shirt into a ruffled half-shirt jacket thing. It took me FOREVER to figure it all out and get it sewn up, but here's a picture of the finished project - I made it for Emma for her birthday. I also made her a couple headbands out of ribbon that turned out dang cute! It's hard to see what it looks like since it's black, but here's the link to the tutorial that has a good picture.

Also, since Ethan has moved to a big boy, front-facing carseat, his infant one is just in his closet now. The other day, he was playing in his room but it was really quiet, so I tip-toed in there to see what he was doing . . .

. . . he loves that carseat, and I think he misses it. When I found him, he was just sitting in it like normal, but he now poses for the camera instead of charging me to grab onto it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

13 week ultrasound

So a guy did my ultrasound this time . . . didn't like him. He went really fast and pushed my stomach really hard. I felt like I had been punched in the gut for 20 minutes straight. And it kept hurting for the rest of the day. I know my stomach isn't as firm as when I was pregnant with Ethan but he was brutal.

But the worst part was that he printed out crappy pictures for us. There were tons he could have done, but he printed out the heart beat (which is wonderful to listen to, but a picture of squiggly lines isn't the same). The other picture was of a couple fingers - but not a single one of the whole baby. Mean guy!! Doesn't he know that the pictures are important to be able to show everyone.

Luckily we had a DVD made of the ultrasound, so Michael spent a while trying to download the sections of it on the computer (it took 3 hours to download a software that would let us do more than just watch it as a movie).

So I don't have any pictures, but here are a couple movie clips of the baby moving.

The baby is doing barrell rolls in this 2nd clip.