Tuesday, May 4, 2010

a few pics

Happy in her walker Blowing on dandelions

Ethan reading with Emeree

Ethan didn't really enjoy his first haircut :)
These are my favorite pj's for Emeree . . . love the butt flap :)

She kept reaching for my spoon, so I let her play with it for a while


Kate said...

Loved the pictures! Ethan looks like he's going to take a bite of the dandelion. :) Cute one of them reading the book together! I know I might be partial but they are really cute kids.

Alex & Jasmine said...

haha i love ethan's crying photo!
yah we got the same walker~ even though it's different color We love it and Max loves it. Thank you for the recommandation!!
I miss Emeree We miss our family!
Just picture makes me hold Emeree again!