Monday, May 24, 2010

How are you today sir?

. . . very well I thank you . . .

"sir" is short for "serena" in case you didn't know :)

Well, my morning sucked - Ethan bit Emeree's hand, leaving deep teeth marks. She was in her walker next to me while I loaded the dishwasher and I didn't see him do it, but after she erupted in tears, I checked her to see what was wrong and I saw the teeth marks. He didn't mean to hurt her; he stood worried next to her while I checked her to see what was wrong. So hopefully since he was worried about her, this teaches him that biting hurts.

He's only bit once before - he bit my butt. That "hurt like a mother" like Michael would say. He just ran up to me and hugged the back of my legs (or so I thought he was) and then he bit - hard. I didn't cry, so I don't think he understood that biting hurts at that incident.

Needless to say, there was a 2 minute timeout this morning (since he's 2 years old - a minute for each year) followed by a cute "sorry" spoken by Ethan and a kiss to Emeree's hand where he bit.

So I wasn't too optimistic about the rest of my day, but they both took a 3 hour nap AT THE SAME TIME today. That's never happened before. Emeree usually just naps for maybe an hour. So I enjoyed some quiet time today! And now I'm ready to endure the next hour before Michael gets home and I have an assistant (who cooks the dinner too)


Kari said...

Nathan would say to bite Ethan back. But that's why Nathan is crazy! ;) Sorry you had a rough day. Even if they're a handful, they're adorable! :) Miss you guys!

Alex & Jasmine said...

3 hour naps both ofthem?? Wow YOU have to mark on your calender lol
very special day lol Max also took a long 2~3 hour nap yesterday so I could watch Korean drama without interupting lol Ethan is so cute!!
He was really cute though even he was having timeout in Idaho^^