Thursday, September 18, 2008
2 Pet Peeves of the Day

Posted by Serena 3 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
6 months & crawling!!!!!
Where did the time go? For about 2 months, Ethan has been spinning in circles on his tummy not able to move anywhere but in that circle, so I was totally fine to walk to the kitchen or get something from his room knowing that he coulnd't get anywhere.
Saturday was his 6 month mark and he all of a sudden started to move forward. He kept his left leg straight and paddled forward with his right leg and pushing up with his hands. Our books say that most babies don't crawl by 6 months but a few do . . . well, he decided to be one of the few.
Then on Sunday he started scooting/crawling with both legs pushing but still on his stomach . . . kind of like a soldier crawl.
Yesterday (Monday) he started getting on his knees and hands and rocking back and forth. He's not crawling on his knees yet, but he's trying to. So it's only a matter of time before he's crawling full speed and getting into everything. It's hard to keep up with him already. He keeps grabbing cables that are tucked under the couch and then when I pull those away from him and block them again, I turn around and he's halfway under the coffee table (which is already pushed off to the edge of the room so he has a bigger play zone).
People kept telling me to enjoy his first few weeks/couple months of his life cause they're the best and he grows up so fast. Well, I agree that he grows up so fast, but his first couple months were the worst of it so far (the first week was fun though cause everything was so new and cute). But he wasn't nursing good - no matter how much my lactation consultant helped me, my body was taking forever to heal, he cried almost non-stop. . . except for when we were at church - I think he likes Jesus best:), and he wouldnt keep to a sleep pattern. He would sleep through the night for a couple nights then beging waking up every 2 hours again for a few days and so on and so on.
Once he hit the 3 month mark, he was adorable again and seemed to get a personality overnight and was fun to play with and slept through the night. My favorite time was the 3-5 month mark. Now that he's crawling, it's going to be a new challenge.
Posted by Serena 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What a weird baby!
Lately, Ethan has been flipping his pacifier sideways and sucking on it for a while then flipping it back to normal. He can flip it with his hands or just with his mouth . . . he's a weird child. But it makes him look like he's smiling funny.
Posted by Serena 1 comments