Tuesday, November 17, 2009

List of Words

Before I forget or become crazy busy with the baby on the way . . . I thought I would document Ethan's vocabulary so far.

  1. Hi
  2. No or uh-uh
  3. Wow
  4. Dad or Da
  5. Mom
  6. Go - I think he got this from me. When I'm trying to get him to leave a room with me, I say "let's go" and he runs out of the room. But now he says "go!" a lot. Today, he kept telling me to "go!!!" every time I stopped at a red light.
  7. Shhhh - he actually puts his finger to his mouth to shhh us or the dog next door (he shh's the dog on his own, but he doesn't do it at home unless we do it first).
  8. See ya - this one he used to only say when Michael was leaving for work in the mornings (followed by Ethan slamming the door shut on Daddy). Now he says it whenever he leaves the room - just to walk down the hall or going around the corner. He also waves while saying "see ya."
  9. Shoe - he says this when he brings me one of his shoes or my shoes (right now it's my favorite one of his words) He says it about 4-5 times in a row and doesn't move his mouth from the pursed position so he stays frozen and says it several times.
  10. Choo-choo - he says this when he's playing with his trains or if he sees a train on t.v.
  11. Rrraaar - don't know how to spell that, but he growls when he sees a dinosaur or grabs one of his dino toys.
  12. Quack - when he plays with his bath duck that's the temperature gauge thing.
  13. Yeah - this one is rare, but we're trying to get him to say yeah when he wants something. He finally started shaking his head "yes" when I ask him questions like "do you want some milk." He used to always shake his head "no" for everything.
  14. Cheese - he will only say this word if he is standing on the fireplace tiles because we took his picture there once and Michael said "cheese" right before he took the picture. Now Ethan runs to the fireplace, turns around, puts his hands behind his back and says "cheese," and he will keep saying it until I put my hands up like a fake camera and say "click, click" then he runs straight at me for a "hug" - Ethan's version of a hug is just leaning against us - he keeps his arms straight at his side.

Monday, November 2, 2009


For Halloween, Ethan was Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. Lorelai was Dorothy, so they were a cousin pair from the movie. My Mom made the costumes for Ethan and both my nieces Emma and Lorelai. I don't think she'll keep that tradition when there are more than 3 grandkids.

Here's Ethan with Michael at our Ward's Trunk-or-Treat party the day before Halloween. Ethan never acted scared at the spooky trunks. But he never smiled either. He just sat in Michael's arms lifeless the whole time. But I guess that's better than fussy the whole time.
Here's Ethan eating his first apple whole. He decided to take a single bite about every 2 inches around the top . . .

I was surprised Ethan kept the hood and hat on the whole time without trying to rip them off, but I think the model train set that was at the activity helped. He kept staring at the trains and saying "choo choo". When we tried the costume on him at home the day before, he hated it and cried the whole time and kept waving his hands around. He mostly hated the fringe around the wrists. But he didn't seem to even notice it at the Halloween Party.
For Halloween, we had a get together at my Grandma's house. Here is Ethan and Lorelai (Scarecrow and Dorothy)
We couldn't get better pictures since Ethan kept trying to run away and wouldn't stay put for a single picture. Below is Charlie (my cousin's son) and Emma (my other niece) as characters from a cartoon called Avatar. I think their character names were Ang and Kitara (I've never seen the show, but that's what I remember them calling eachother all night.)