Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have the BEST husband!

He came home with a present for me yesterday! NEW MOON!!

Money has been tight with all the house repairs, so I was just waiting for my turn for this movie at the library. I never even saw it in the theaters, so that shows my dedication to not spending money on unnecessary things. Checking it out from the library is free . . . but I was #278 in line on the "hold" list.

Michael knew I wanted it but wouldn't buy it myself. I LOVE my husband.

And yes, I'm a Twilight Fan. But I didn't jump on the "bandwagon" late in the game like a lot of people. I found the book at the Deseret Book Store and loved it when the 1st one was out new and the rest weren't even written/finished yet. So I think it's okay to be a fan when I've been one from the release of Book #1. And I don't like to read, so the fact that I read these books in a span of a couple days says a lot for me. And I've liked Vampire books since highschool - I don't remember the series, but it was a female vampire and one of the books was purple :)

I stayed up past 1 am to watch it cause Emeree wouldn't go to sleep. And it was by far her worst night since she was born - but totally worth no sleep to be able to finally watch the movie I've been dying to see since November.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cute Girl and Skinny Boy

Here's Emeree on Sunday . . . She was smiling really cute for Michael, but when I grabbed the camera, she just slightly smiled. He started sticking his tongue out at her last week and she copies him now and smiles really big for him too. But it's a different story when she sees me. :(And I think Ethan is either losing weight or just growing taller and slimming down more because this is what his pants are doing today . . .

They keep sagging down below his bottom - they're 18 month size and he's been wearing this pair of pants for at least 6 months now and they never fell off him like this before.
He keeps hiding between our new bathroom cabinets (that are on our ever growing list of things to fix/finish in this house).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ethan's B-day party

Ethan turned 2 on Saturday! We had family over to celebrate. We had a hectic morning before the party. We got our new kitchen cabinets in a few days before and we were trying to get them all installed before the party. And by "we," I mean "Michael". He's been working on demo-ing the old kitchen, moving plumbing and electricity since we wanted to swap sides of the kitchen for the oven/microwave and the sink/dishwasher. He got all the cabinets in by party time, but no counter tops or sink. It looked presentable enough for the party with the time crunch we had.

He got a lot of fun gifts - including a Tonka dump truck. He also got stuff from Cars and Curious George.

It took him a while to figure out how to blow out candles. I had to blow on the side of his face to get him to blow out the candle. He just sat there and stared at them for a little while.

As I was going through the camera to find pictures to post, here's what I found. . .

Apparently Allen was just as excited about the dump truck as Ethan was.
And there were about half a dozen more of Allen poses. I guess that's what happens when no one is paying attention to Michael and Allen.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bed Head

I went to bed with wet hair cause I was too tired to blow dry it. And when I woke up, I had a bump in my hair that was sticking up about 2-3 inches from the top of my head. I think it's the best "bed head" I've ever had. And no matter what I tried (besides taking another shower), I can't get it to lay flat.

So obviously I didn't leave the house today. Michael hasn't even seen it cause he left for work before I got up (I normally try to get up with him in the mornings, but Emeree didn't sleep well last night, so I was up every couple hours).

Even though I had bad bed head, I don't think it will ever come close to my sis-in-law Kari's bed head. She has the best bed head ever. Every time they spend the night here or we are at their house, she wakes up with crazy hair. But she evidently has better luck taming it the next day than I do.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Last Week's Fun

Last week, I brought out the play-doh . . . Ethan was very, very serious with it. But it kept him entertained for over an hour while he was figuring out all the tool things.

This one made "sprinkles." It was tricky for Ethan to work on his own, but he still tries. It chops it all up and pushes it out in little star shapes.

I bought this bebe pod when Ethan was a baby and he did the same thing at first . . . leaned to one side. And they both drool/spit up a lot while in it so I have to keep a blanket under the chair so it doesn't soak the carpet. It's rated for 3 months and up, but neither of them seemed ready to sit straight up that early. I think she's used to the angle of the carseat or bouncer and isn't used to sitting straight up yet.
It also has a tray attachment where they could eat from (I used this as a "high chair" in the beginning with Ethan) and it has a toy that snaps in. Ethan loves to spin it while Emeree is looking surprised the whole time he does it.