Friday, March 12, 2010

Bed Head

I went to bed with wet hair cause I was too tired to blow dry it. And when I woke up, I had a bump in my hair that was sticking up about 2-3 inches from the top of my head. I think it's the best "bed head" I've ever had. And no matter what I tried (besides taking another shower), I can't get it to lay flat.

So obviously I didn't leave the house today. Michael hasn't even seen it cause he left for work before I got up (I normally try to get up with him in the mornings, but Emeree didn't sleep well last night, so I was up every couple hours).

Even though I had bad bed head, I don't think it will ever come close to my sis-in-law Kari's bed head. She has the best bed head ever. Every time they spend the night here or we are at their house, she wakes up with crazy hair. But she evidently has better luck taming it the next day than I do.


Kari said...


We should have taken a picture one of those days. I think whenever I have a lot of layers in my hair, then I get cRaZy bed head!

I can't wait to see you guys in a month!

Kate said...

Although that is a great picture, we want to see a picture of the real thing!! :) How can we judge this contest if we don't see it for ourself?