I had to drive up to Redmond for Ethan's Dr. appt today so the long car ride and the errands up there gave me 2 pet peeves of the day:
1 - Why does almost everyone leave the car dealership license plate border/covers on? You know, the ones that say the name of the dealership on the ugly plastic borders. It totally ruins the look of nice clean and new cars. I've always taken mine off cause they're tacky . . . but almost everyone leaves them on. I'll give some of them the benefit of the doubt that they just don't notice or forget that they are there . . . but to the rest of those tacky drivers - ewww. Take them off already!

2 - A lady at the Ben Franklin Craft Store was commenting on how cute Ethan was and then called his pacifier a "binky" . . . I ultimately HATE that word. It's a PACIFIER!!! Not a "binky." Binky was just a brand name of a Playtex pacifier but if you look at the text on left side of the picture, it says "pacifier." If my son had this brand, then I would permit people to say "binky" since this one is. But I refuse to buy that brand so I don't have any Binkys. So they are PACIFIERS . . . NOT binkys!!! And some of you readers may refer to them as a Binky, but if you're talking to me about them, it's a "pacifier" . . . I will correct you if you don't use the proper term . . . this was a pet peeve today, but it will always be one cause that word just sounds like stupid baby talk. Sorry if that offends or bothers anyone, but I despise that word.
Binky Binky Binky! lol So guess what Jasmine and I just watched the scariest movie ever! It was called Mirrors...pretty creepy, I'll never look into a mirror again!
Hey I finally updated our blog! Check it out!
Amen!!! Oh how i loathe the word binky! We are pacifier users. I feel closer to you today! You were such a good roommate and it's so nice that we agree on this. My sister Melissa says binky and i correct her every time. Just say no to binky!
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