Ethan fell asleep in the car today when I was driving home. But what was interesting was that he closed his eyes, and then yawned - which made his pacifier fall out. So with his eyes still closed, he reached down to get the pacifier and he had it about half an inch from his mouth and then he fell asleep and his arm dropped.
How does he fall asleep so fast! And how did he fall asleep while he was in the middle of putting his pacifier back in? Weird baby!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How does he do it?
Posted by Serena 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Snowy hike
While we were in Idaho visiting Nathan and Kari, we went on a hike with the group to Mesa Falls. But since there was a lot of snow and we didn't have the baby backpack to make it easier with Ethan, we only walked a little way (and Kari and I were wearing sandals - we weren't thinking to brightly. So our toes were frozen and hurting most of the time.
Here's one of my favorite pictures that we've ever taken of the 3 of us so far.
Ethan tends to stand like a flamingo when he's unsure of the ground he's on. He did this the week before when I tried to put him in my parents grass barefoot. It takes a while before he will put both feet down. But I think it's a cute habit that probably won't last very long.
Posted by Serena 3 comments