Friday, August 28, 2009

This is the way . . .

. . . we eat a PB&J sandwich. For anything that's not bite-sized, Ethan holds the food in place with both hands while he chews/gums away at it. I think he's afraid of losing a single crumb, so he keeps it all close.


Alex & Jasmine said...

haha Its amazing now that Ethan can eat food! He is so adorable!
and He has such a pretty blue eyes.
Do you think our baby will have blue eyes too?? ^^

Kate said...

I'm glad you got a picture of him eating that way before he stops doing it!! His hair ( he does have hair in this picture!) looks way more reddish than blonde. Such a cute boy....

Alyson said...

Hahahahaha!!!! I love that kid, he is so funny.