Monday, August 2, 2010

Bummer Brownies

So Michael tried to make brownies with black beans . . . inspiration from Kari :). She said it was good - you just substitue mashed black beans for the oil/eggs that the box says to add. It's healthier and you can't taste the difference.

But the problem was that it was Sunday, so we couldn't go to the store to get a brownie box. So Michael tried to make them from scratch (the brownies and the beans - we had dried beans but no canned beans). . . they were gross! And it took him almost all afternoon/evening to make since he had to soak and cook the beans for a few hours before mashing them.

He made frosting to help sweeten it up and that made it worse cause it was a weird frosting since we didn't have any powdered sugar. So I decided to let Michael suffer alone in eating them.

But he gave Ethan one a few minutes ago and Ethan came running to me making a gag noise and holding his mouth open for me to take the brownie out (he doesn't spit out food if he doesn't like it for some reason - he just tries to get me to take it out).

So you know it's bad when a 2 year old won't eat a brownie covered in frosting. Maybe we'll try it later with the box mix and canned beans instead of trying it all on our own.


Alex & Jasmine said...

hahaha funny! Ethan's act is so cute! Alex also tried to make cookie once that he asked you once about recipe..but he forgot to put it turned out very weired cookies! haha but that's why sometiems our husbands are so cute! right? ^^ because they make a mistake that women normal don't.