They even sat for a picture together that is adorable.
We had our Ward Christmas Party and the kids got their picture taken with Santa! I love this picture of Emeree so focused on coloring.

Posted by Serena 1 comments
Emeree has been into Hello Kitty for a while, so I decided that would be a good theme for her birthday party. Thanks to Pinterest, I was able to compile several great ideas from those around the blogosphere.
Posted by Serena 1 comments
This year, the costumes were a combined effort of Me, Michael, and my Mom. Ethan's didn't involve any sewing whatsoever, but all that spray painting was frustrating. He turned out awesome. So, without further adieu...
One Green Plastic Army Man
Posted by Serena 1 comments
We usually go to the pumpkin patch with my in-laws. But they were in Italy, so we had to go alone...sniff, sniff. Anyway, so that meant we had to take our family picture as 2 pics and we weren't there as long without grandparents to help follow the kids around. But we did manage to get a few great pictures of the kids.
Posted by Serena 1 comments
Ethan had his first field trip today for pre-school. I tagged along as a working parent, but most parents tend to stay for the whole field trip anyway since it's only about an hour long as opposed to school that is 2 hours each day. Siblings couldn't come, but that was kinda nice to have some Mommy & Ethan time anyway. And I enjoyed it a bit more without chasing Emeree around. :)
It was rainy and muddy, so we sure were glad to have our rain boots.
The kids all packed in a wagon pulled by a tractor - which was most of their favorite parts. Or as Ethan kept telling me, it was his "favorite adventure" of the trip. Falling in the mud was "not his favorite adventure".
Posted by Serena 3 comments
Ethan started preschool last month (yay me for blogging about now instead of in 6-8 months.) He goes three days a week and he is loving it. We worked really hard the month leading up to school to get him to write his name on his own (without me writing it first and him copying it below mine). So now he can write it without any assistance.
Posted by Serena 2 comments
So we decided to get a "cousin" picture since all the kids were in town. We had such plans for cute props and awesome pictures. But that didn't go as planned. First off, I wouldn't suggest doing balloons as a prop when the kids are so young. In my head, this was going to be a great picture. Maybe one of them all in the air at different heights, or all the kiddos walking away from the camera and we get a shot from behind with the balloons in the air. Well, here was our best shot with the balloons. They were pretty much just a distraction.
Posted by Serena 1 comments
Here's some pics of Ethan "flying" from the couch to the beanbag.
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