Ethan started preschool last month (yay me for blogging about now instead of in 6-8 months.) He goes three days a week and he is loving it. We worked really hard the month leading up to school to get him to write his name on his own (without me writing it first and him copying it below mine). So now he can write it without any assistance.
Each kid has a job at school that rotates every 2 weeks. His current job is the abacus. He gets to take attendance, record the weather and count how many days they've been in school so far on a giant abacus. The parents can stay for the beginning of school while they do this part and show and tell. So it's been fun being able to watch him do his job.
I asked him to show me his backpack - and he just tilted to the side a little. :)
Just like when he went to nursery the first time at church, he never looked back - no separation problems there. But I think I had a little trouble letting him go. It's a co-op, so the parents are trained and take turns working in the classroom. I just happened to be assigned the first day of school as one of my work days, so that helped me get through the first day of school. Day 2 was my first day leaving him there. So Emeree and I went shopping - and guess what? She is an awesome shopper if it's just her and me. She doesn't throw any tantrums or try to jump out of the cart head first (even if she's buckled in). So we are getting to enjoy our "girl days."
Here's a pic of Ethan with his teacher...he was so busy looking at everything I couldn't get him to look at the camera.

aI might be a little partial but He is so cute. Love the picture of him tilting to show his backpack!
So awesome that you have this as a way to remember his big day and your feelings about it.
Max is going to school now too!! ^^
He loves his school! I wanted to wait till Max is 4 but Max is so so ready to go to somewhere that he can enjoy without me ^^ it's so fun to see how Ethan is doing at school! I am having a great time when Max is at school by myself. I will enjoy my own time till baby is born. ^^
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