Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cutting down the Christmas Tree

**NOTE - you can click on the pictures in the blog to see them larger if they're too small to really view on your screen**

We went to cut down our tree with Alex and Jasmine (it was fun with a group, plus we needed Alex's truck to get the tree home. Our car has the antenna on the top of the car above the rear window, so we found out the hard way last year and had to lay down the seats and shove the tree through the trunk . . . luckily I was still pregnant then, so we didn't have to worry about what to do with the baby car seat and the tree at the same time.)

I wore Ethan in the infant carrier and a lady told me that he was just about as big as me. I like the thought that someone thinks I'm the same size as my 20 pound son, but sadly it's not true. Trying to explain to Jasmine what a Charlie Brown Christmas tree was, and listening to her and Alex try to pick out a tree was funny. Alex said it had to be at least as tall as her, but she kept picking out ones that were about 3 feet high. It was funny watching Alex carry it out since he could hold it over his head and walk. We went for about an 8 footer which was harder to carry (not that I would know cause I carried the baby and didn't have to touch the wet and dirty tree.)

Ethan is still sorta grumpy that we have a tree in our living room - it takes away some of his play area, but he still won't really go near it. He keeps pulling out my tree skirt, so I've resigned to the fact that it won't stay pretty and only fix it every couple days or when someone comes over. We rushed to get the tree up and decorated Sunday before Church because Rick and Debbie (my in-laws) were supposed to come over for dinner, but then cancelled on us - so I rushed for nothing but on the up side, I had a really clean apartment. But since we did it so fast, Ethan was mad the rest of the day. I laid on the ground and from his angle of the floor, it really is quite daunting since it's up to the ceiling and has prickly pine needles on it.


Wallace Family said...

How fun! I want to go cut down a tree next year. Just think, next year Ethan will be running around and he really will be as big as you. ha ha. :) You have a super cute fam! take care! -Kristen

Alyson said...

Jacen's not too happy with the tree taking up his space either. But he enjoys trying to pull the needles off of it from behind the baby gate!