So, my finger crossing worked!! We're having a GIRL. Ethan's going to have a little sister. So now all those crafts I've either already made or hoped to make and the boxes of girl clothes I already have (i know, i'm crazy) will get to be used now!! I don't have to settle for making things for other people's girls - I'll have one of my own.
My favorite ultrasound pictures are always of the spine - It's fun to see the spine and all the bones moving when it's being done, but the pics are cool. I didn't get a good body or face shot again. Why do they keep giving me men to do the ultrasounds. Women would know how important those pictures are to a mom. Here's a profile shot of the baby looking to the left.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Boy or Girl???
Posted by Serena 4 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pillow Fight
While we were visiting Michael's parents this weekend, Michael got tricked into doing some yard work - he had to dig holes for 3 trees. While he was working on the hole, Ethan grabbed the shovel and tried to help.

So we changed his diaper and he went out again . . .
Posted by Serena 3 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My sanity
My sanity is wearing thin this week. Ethan hasn't taken a nap since Sunday. And that's only because he fell asleep on the way home from church and we just transported him from carseat to crib while he was out like a rock.
Posted by Serena 3 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
July 4th at Ocean Shores
We spent the 4th of July at Ocean Shores with some family. Since we live in an apartment, Ethan doesn't really get exposed to dirt or even getting dirty. So I didn't know how he would react to the sand. Well, he instantly plopped down with a shovel and bucket and began to dig.Every few minutes he would get bored with his location and pick up and move. He headed toward the water where my dad and Emma were digging a moat. Ethan sat down in the middle of the moat, where my dad proceeded to cover his feet with sand. He tried brushing it off and then gave up.
I guess it's a boy thing to love getting dirty even when you've never been exposed to it before. Here are a bunch of pictures from the day. **You can click on the pictures to view them larger**
Posted by Serena 3 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Utah Baby Guide Magazine
So, I was contacted by an Editor at Utah Baby Guide to do a regular craft column in their free magazine last month!!
It will be centered around crafts for babies, but my pillowcase dress tutorial was the feature that is in the current issue. You can go to to download the July issue. My tutorial is on page 35. And they put the picture of Ethan in a dress on the article! Hope he doesn't mind when he's older.
Posted by Serena 2 comments