Thursday, July 16, 2009

My sanity

My sanity is wearing thin this week. Ethan hasn't taken a nap since Sunday. And that's only because he fell asleep on the way home from church and we just transported him from carseat to crib while he was out like a rock.

I know he's tired because he closes his eyes while I sit outside his crib with my hand on his chest or arm, but he cries the second I leave the room - even if he was sound asleep when I crawled out. And I swear I don't make a noise when I leave.

Since I know he's tired, my only guesses are that he thinks he'll miss something if he takes a nap or he is going through an "attachement to mommy" phase and doesn't want me to leave his side.

I desperately need these 2 hours of my day back. That's when I work on craft projects and get my computer time. I still need to finish Lorelai and my Mom's birthday presents, but since he's gone about a week without taking an actual nap without me in the room, I'm not getting them done. Grrrr.

I'm not ready to be done with naps. And he's not even 18 months yet, so I refuse to think that he's done with naps!


Alyson said...

WOW! That's a really long time with no nap! I bet you're right about the attachment to mommy phase. I thought Jacen was losing his second nap and I was throwing myself a pitty party--I couldn't imagine losing naps all together! That would drive me insane!! Good luck!!

H. Wimmer said...

Its a phase keep up with the naps and at some point he will start taking them again. Martin hasn't taken a nap for two weeks and all of a sudden he decided to take a nap today!!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Just blog hopping tonight and found yours. I have enjoyed reading it.. I love seeing all the different blog designs. Have a Happy Sunday!