Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Photos

Debbie and I went to the mall yesterday to get a Santa photo. The line was long, but it just seemed like adults and strollers were taking up all the space and we thought we would get through quite fast . . . boy were we wrong. Two and a half hours later, we were finally next in line. And when we pulled Ethan out of the stroller, he had wet his pants really bad! So we had him sit on Debbie's scarf so he didn't soil Santa's suit. Ethan and Emeree did really well waiting in line that long. We just had to take Ethan on a few walks around the food court in the stroller and I had to run out to the car to feed Emeree - but other than feeding and distracting them, they didn't seem to mind being in line that long.

Here's Ethan's picture from last year (2008) when he was 9 months old. He didn't like the experience that much.

*Our scanner is in storage at the moment, so I had to take a picture of the pictures. Here's the photo for this year. Ethan was acting a little scared and nervous. But that made for a cute picture where he is crossing his hands and ankles. Emeree just stared off to the side - oblivious to the fact that Santa was holding her. Her dress was adorable, but she blended in with Santa's suit too well.


Kate said...

Oh, what a cute picture, Serena!! The story is funny about your wait. Glad the picture turned out so good since you waited so long for it.

Johnson Family said...

I love it! Justus cried for Santa too. What cute pics.