Monday, June 1, 2009

13 week ultrasound

So a guy did my ultrasound this time . . . didn't like him. He went really fast and pushed my stomach really hard. I felt like I had been punched in the gut for 20 minutes straight. And it kept hurting for the rest of the day. I know my stomach isn't as firm as when I was pregnant with Ethan but he was brutal.

But the worst part was that he printed out crappy pictures for us. There were tons he could have done, but he printed out the heart beat (which is wonderful to listen to, but a picture of squiggly lines isn't the same). The other picture was of a couple fingers - but not a single one of the whole baby. Mean guy!! Doesn't he know that the pictures are important to be able to show everyone.

Luckily we had a DVD made of the ultrasound, so Michael spent a while trying to download the sections of it on the computer (it took 3 hours to download a software that would let us do more than just watch it as a movie).

So I don't have any pictures, but here are a couple movie clips of the baby moving.

The baby is doing barrell rolls in this 2nd clip.


Kari said...

OH, WOW! That was really amazing to watch the video! :) I'm so excited for the little one to come! I hope that Nathan and I can come for a visit this summer and maybe you could have your baby shower around then???

Oh, and I have the perfect baby name; it's a combination of your two favorite people in the whole world.

OKay...are you ready???

You're going to love it....


Alex & Jasmine said...

I can't wait for my next appt 6/9.
I am still not showing -.-;;
but wired..the cloth I used to wear
don't fit my body anymore.
boy or girl?
I saw tiger came into me in my I think it will be a son!
it was funny I had dream few days ago, I gave a birth and already holding a baby in my house, and I look at the baby haha it look like Ethan!! haha and Alex open the door and bought baby car seat! it was short dream but funny! *^^*
always stupid workers everywhere!
The nurse suppose to make ultrasound appt, I heard doctor said to me that nurse is going to make my next doctor appt and ultrasound appt, but the nurse said
we can't do both right now and Next doctor appt(6/9), I can make ultrasound appt. I thought I heard wrong from doctor, so didn't say anything, but later I regret that I didn't fight with her haha ^^
I miss your guys and Ethan too!!
I wanted to text you but my phone was broken and got a 19$ new cheap unlocked phone, which is weired sometimes, haha but anyway, alex and I can't wait to see my beely showing and baby picture, I found 3D AND 4D ultrasound place, I will go there later maybe after 6month.
haha love you!!!

Serena said...

Karthaniel is a great name - and it could be for a boy or girl too. What about Nathari? That one is your two names too. Maybe I could name it Karthaniel Nathari Gerke. :)

Emily G said...

Okay, so, ultrasound videos are way way way cooler than pictures. I had no idea! That's the first I've ever seen! That was, how do you get used to having a little baby moving around in there all the time? Man......gorgeous. Good job.

Minnette said...

Love the video, thanks for sharing it! I'm so excited for you!

Alyson said...

Ahhh! Sooo exciting!! Congrats, congrats, congrats! I loved the video!

Alex & Jasmine said...

Hey I had another fun dream this morning after alex went to work when I went back to sleep..
the baby in my dream who look like Ethan(haha) changing dipers by him or herself!! great baby huh?

Katie said...

Sweet! Those are always amazing to watch. My little boys watched it with me and thought it was pretty amazing as well. They keep asking to see the baby in the lady's tummy. :)

Tomato said...

I'm so excited for you! and that is so cool that you babe and his or her cousin are due on the same day! yay!!!