Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday at church, my niece Lorelai (4 years old) was counting the page numbers on the hynm book and checking with Becky to see if she was saying the number right. I was half listening when she got to . . .

twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty zero
thirty one

Thirty Zero? Once I thought about it, that makes sense. You say "thirty" before each number like 31, 32, 33, etc. so why not "thirty zero?" It was adorable.

This reminded me of the time a couple months ago I was at Wal-Mart with Becky and Lorelai and they were picking out toothpaste for Lorelai. Becky was reading off the flavors so Lorelai could pick which one she wanted. When Becky got to the flavor "tuity fruity," Lorelai laughed and said, "that one tastes like a toot?" It was hilarious. Sometimes kid's logic makes more sense.


Alyson said...

That is so true!! Hey, Zach, Jacen and I are making a trip over to Silverdale and Tacoma on this Friday. If you or anyone else in the family wants to meet up let me know!! My phone number is 509-989-3133.

Emily G said...

Adorable. Hey Gerke, send me your mailing address so I can send you a wedding announcement. Do you have my email address?

Serena said...

no - emily, i don't have your email . . . mine is - can you send me your's there?