Monday, February 22, 2010

A double milestone weekend

Emeree and I both hit a milestone this weekend . . . Emeree slept through the night for the first time! Of course I didn't sleep good cause I was used to waking up to feed her and had to check on her to make sure she was okay since she hadn't woken up to eat.

And then . . . I hit my pre-pregnancy weight. So I've lost all the weight I gained from being pregnant with Emeree! Yeah me. So I rewarded myself with a trip to the gym this morning. :)


Alex & Jasmine said...

Yay!!it's good to hear as a mom that Emree slept all night long!
Max is getting better too.
Oh...about the weight..I am still working on's not easy like
before..T.T(tears), I am still trying..but having hard time losing it. I just realized my body isn't the type that lose weight quickly! and now my belly looks wired...can't wear bikini forever haha but SO HAPPY to hear about your goal! Can't wait to see you in April!!

Kate said...

Good Job Serena! AND Yeah Emeree!
Both of those are major accomplishments.

Cassy said...

Way to go!! I got down and lost 15 lbs from preprancy weight, and then Todd started school, life got crazy, and I gained it all back plus 5 lbs....I am working on it with renewed vigor.