Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How is that comfortable?

Ethan was taking forever to fall asleep at nap today. He kept talking to himself or kicking the wall - that lasted for about an hour and a half. But he never cried or whined to get out, so I let him play quietly. Then, I noticed I hadn't heard anything from him for a while, so I snuck back there to peek in. He is sound asleep, but he has his legs through the bars and floating off the mattress and his blanket is arched over his head. How is that even comfortable? His legs are hoovering. Oh well. He's still sound asleep at this moment. I wonder if his legs will be all tingly numb when he wakes up . . .


Kari said...

Ha ha! Oh, I love him so much! :) I CANNOT wait to see him 2 months!!!

Kate said...

That is funny! What a goofy boy. I always wanted a one-way mirror when you were little so that I could see what you were doing during your nap times. Actually, I remember now that you didn't nap good at all! I probably didn't want to know what you were doing in there!! :)

Alex & Jasmine said...

hahaha he is so cute! I can't wait to see him again but not with tight schedule like last time because I want to hang out with Ethan!!